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Expert Tips For Making Your Video Stand Out


Making your video stand out amongst the many millions already out there isn’t easy. In fact, often times it’s little more than luck that launches a viral video. But there are steps you can take to give your video a chance to get noticed in the vast sea of the internet.


No matter what type of video you’re posting, the title is important. Come up with something catchy that will attract the niche you’re going for and make it unique. A video about how to wash a car called “Washing a Car” will probably go unnoticed. But something like “Washing a Car American Style” would set it apart from the others and gives people something to grab onto. They’ve seen a car get washed before, but have they seen it “American Style”? By putting your own spin on the title, you’re already ahead of the competition.


Like having a fetching title, an eye-grabbing thumbnail is extremely important. Chances are this will be the first thing someone sees when they come across your video. Most importantly, the image should be clear. If they can’t tell what the thumbnail is, they’re unlikely to feel compelled to click it. Another key is to make your thumbnail look professional. I don’t mean they should have a suit and tie, but they shouldn’t be pixelated. A thumbnail should also contain something exciting, weird, or sexy. That way you catch the viewer’s attention and draw them in.


YouTube, Vimeo, Facebook, Twitter, where to post? The content and target audience should determine your video’s venue. YouTube is always a good bet, as it has become a global hub for all things video so it provides the highest visibility. But if you’re looking for your video to get shared across the web, Facebook or Twitter might be a better choice. Short-form video platform Vine is a unique option with a culture and style of its own. But, no one says you have to pick just one location. You can always post your video across multiple hosting services to maximize your audience and see which one works best for your content. 


Getting your video in visible places has everything to do with how many people share it. Google and Facebook have algorithms that determine what the best content is and show it more often. The more often your video is viewed and shared, the more it will show up on Facebook newsfeed or in the “What to Watch” sections on YouTube. Get your friends and biggest fans to share it and then watch it spread.


Meta tags are simple pieces of information embedded in the video file or inserted into the webpage that allows a search engine to more easily categorize a video, or any other content for that matter. These are similar to keywords used in the text of a blog. When you’re publishing a video, you want to make sure that it has any meta tags that could be relevant to your content. However, there’s a delicate balance here. You want to come up with every relevant keyword, but going overboard can make it too broad. A safe bet is no more than eight to ten tags, but it can depend on the video. Tools like Google’s Keyword Analysis Tool can help you figure out what the best tags are. One last thing to remember, popular tags can be a double-edge sword because you’ll have more competition in the search results.

Creating an amazing video is only half the battle. Keep these tips in mind next time you’re ready to post a video to give it the best chance of reaching the widest audience.
